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  • Writer's pictureClaire Fogarty

Dessert Charcuterie Board Bananza

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Greetings loved ones (snoop dogg voice) I hope you all are doing well. For me, I have been having ups and downs, I really have enjoyed some of the things I have had more time to do with no more school work the work on my podcast and spending more time in nature. But this time is also difficult for me, I am clueless about how to spend my next semester, I have little purpose in my life, and I have spent all Fall waiting for my best friends to come home from college only to have a new lockdown throw a wrench in my plans to be able to see them. As I have reflected a lot in this letter over the month, I have also had quite a love-hate relationship with social media. I have tried to spend some more time reflecting on this recently and I have realized that a lot of what I am experiencing is unconscious or conscious jealousy of people and now that I have a bigger tik tok following I have realized that people are also jealous of me. I get comments every day with people saying they wish they were as happy as me or as put together as me when in reality my life feels like a hot mess. What I trying to say is that if you are struggling with social media like me, remember people get to curate their living to be Instagram-worthy even if their life isn't so picture perfect. I have so many social media thoughts that the topic has dominated most of my journal entries recently. With that onto the letter.

Tweets of the week


Christmas is a coming...

Here is my new outfit that I thrifted from a charity shop!! Christmas sweater and carpenter pants.

Dessert Charcuterie Board Bananza...

You probably saw this on my insta or tik tok but I could not help but share! Everything was from either Miette, Farmshop, or Mollie Stones. A fun way to indulge and shop local! This was to celebrate me hitting 20,000 followers on tik tok. My favorites were the vegan rose turkish delights and the Dolfin Earl Grey chocolate bar.

Brunch Under the Redwoods

This weekend I enjoyed a social distanced brunch with two of my favorite gals at Old Mill Park. So lovely to have times like this with hours of catching up and only looking at my phone to order some Equator coffee. We jokingly referred to this as our "last supper" because Marin is going back to a stricter stay at home order on Tuesday. The consensus is that everyone I know is confused about what this new lockdown really means but we shall see.

Natalia looking so cute with the insane camera quality of Kylie's new phone.

Kylie and I on a train going nowhere showing off our adorable high tops!

Vintage Vibes

When I was in Portland I found this amazing 60s/70s USC varsity cardigan and I finally wore it because it is really warm and I needed some cold weather. I wore it to Marin Mart where I was greeted with the "Mart Wagon", a vintage Jeep Wagoneer that really matched the aesthetic of my look! Here are some pics I took:

Just leaving this here:

Now that is all for this week!



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