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  • Writer's pictureClaire Fogarty

Christmas in the City!

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Hello darling friends!! I hope you are all doing well as we enter the home stretch of the holiday season. For me at least it has been pretty unsettling to not be able to gather in the normal holiday ways and not be able to see all of my friends who are home for the holidays. I guess I had a vision perpetuated by social media of the mass reunions after the first semester of college that all the grades before had. Instead, we have been met with more anticlimactic quick visits in each other driveways and little picnics here or there. I am of course grateful to see friends at all, but it is certainly strange to deal with. I am sure other college-aged covid safe friends can relate. Now it is time for the letter!

Tweets of The Week

Had to bring back Gerald!! He makes me so happy.

If you want an excellent time, school through this Twitter account of Japanese mascots!

Christmas in the City!

Last Monday, Miranda, Caroline, and I went on a little San Francisco romp to some holiday destinations!

A fun swing in the presidio!

Arches in Sunset!

68 Castro!

Tom and Jerry's house!

If you are interested in doing something similar, here is a map with all of the locations and more!

Seeing Tripple?

A few months ago our family friend gave birth to three beautiful babies, but because it was during quarantine, we never got to meet the babies. I constantly checked social media to get updates about the triplets and see their adorable photos and I longed to get to meet them. Luckily out of nowhere while I was walking Rio I ran into the babies and their mom and I got to meet them and snap a pic. They are absolutely darling and it was such a delight to meet them so out of the blue.

A fun fact is that one of the babies has the exact same birthmark as me!

In this pic, you can see him taking a look at me.

Glamorous Takeout Vibes

Not much else to say about this except that Krispy Rice is the yummiest and aesthetically pleasing takeout I have gotten during the quarantine.

Darling Jewelry

One of my lovely tik tok followers sent me some wonderful earrings inspired by some of my favorite sweaters! If you are looking for fun earrings it would be amazing for you to support her! This is her Etsy Shop!

Evermore Favs!

Last week I asked you all about your favorite songs on Evermore and these are the results!

That's all for this week! Love you all!



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